Giuseppe Nelva
The trailer showcases the Gundam Ground Type with Shiro Amada, the Full Armor Gundam with Io Fleming, the Psycho Zaku with Daryl Lorenz, the Gundam “Alex” with Christina Mackenzie, the Kampfer with Mikhail Kaminsky, the ZZ Gundam with Judau Ashta, the V2 Assault Buster Gundam with Uso Ewin, the Gundam Double X with Garrod Ran, the Justice Gundam with Athrun Zala, the Gundam Exia Repair II with Setsuna F. Seiei, and the Gundam Barbatos Lupus with Mikazuki Augus. Each mobile suit and pilot pair is showcased in gameplay action with brief but sweet clips, which provide a good look at what we can expect. You can watch the trailer below and see if you find your favorite mobile suits.  SD Gundam Battle Alliance is coming for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC and will release ons August 25, 2022. The game depicts a world in which the stories of the Gundam universe have been distorted by a phenomenon named “Breaks.” In order to correct this false history, players have to lead platoons of three mobile suits and pilots and take on a variety of missions. You can acquire new mobile suits and various parts to develop your favorite mobile suits into the most powerful machines. If you’d like to see more, you can check out the original announcement and trailer and a gallery of screenshots.

SD Gundam Battle Alliance for PS5  PS4  Xbox  Switch    PC Gets New Trailer Introducing Mobile Suits   Pilots - 35