One of the most exciting things about PUBG Mobile is that people not only love to play the game but also like to watch it as well. You will find tons of YouTube content creators publishing videos of PUBG Mobile gameplay. You can always visit such channels to learn more about the game. Since PUBG Mobile has given a boost to a lot of content creators on YouTube, users sometimes get confused while selecting the best content creator to follow. So, in this article, we are going to share a list of best PUBG Mobile Indian content creators.

Top 5 PUBG Mobile Streamers On YouTube In India

You can visit their channels to discover amazing gameplay videos, tricks, tips, etc. So, let’s explore the list of best Indian PUBG Mobile Content creators on YouTube.

1. Mortal

Mortal from Soul Mortal clan is one of the famous PUBG Mobile gamers in India. The YouTube channel right now has over 2.6 million subscribers and he live-streams gameplay on a regular interval. He was once ranked at #5 in Asia Server. The great thing about the Soul Mortal team is that he chooses to play the game on mobile, instead of an emulator.

2. Dynamo Gaming

Dynamo Gaming which is maintained by Aditya Sawant is one of the most famous names in the PUBG Mobile world. You won’t believe it, but his YouTube channel right now has over 4.7 million subscribers. However, he plays the game on an emulator, which brought him in several controversies. He is also known as Sniper king in India, and he is the one who created the tagline ‘Patt use Headshot’

3. Gareebooo

Well, if you are searching for a popular content creator on YouTube to discover amazing gaming videos, then you need to subscribe to Gareebo. Guess what? not just PUBG Mobile, but Gareebo also tries other games as well. Gareebo’s YouTube channel right now has over 1 Million subscribers, and he plays PUBG Mobile through an emulator. On his gameplay videos, he uses voice changing software which makes his voice childlike. His childlike and funny voice makes the gameplay more enjoyable.

4. Kronten Gaming

Kronten Gaming is maintained by Chetan Chandgude. He is the leader of Team Godl and plays PUBG Mobile from the emulator. He is a talented gamer and known for his rush gameplay. You will find Kronten rushing into the houses, killing enemies more often than camping. Recently, Kronten shifted to Mobile from the emulator. The YouTube channel of Kronten Gaming right now has over 1.5 million subscribers. So, Kronten Gaming is another popular Indian PUBG Mobile Youtube channel which you can follow.

5. Maxtern

Well, Maxtern is not one of the most famous content creators, but you will discover lots of interesting videos on his channel. The YouTube channel right now has over 357K subscribers and its still growing. Maxtern first records the PUBG Mobile gameplay and then adds the commentary. He is a talented gamer and has reached conqueror tier on more than one season. So, Maxtern is another best YouTube channel to watch PUBG Mobile gameplay videos. So, these are the five best talented Indian PUBG Mobile Content Creators on YouTube. You can subscribe to their channel to explore exciting videos. If you know any other Professional PUBG Mobile gamers, let us know in the comment box below.

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